About Computer Science @ HSG

About Computer Science @ HSG

Hey there! So, you're curious about Computer Science?
I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Computer Science (BCS) at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), and it's been a remarkable experience so far.

About the Program

What makes HSG's BCS program stand out is its unique blend of computer science and business skills. We're learning the fundamentals of computer science while simultaneously building our entrepreneurial knowledge. This fusion is designed to prepare us for leadership roles in tech corporations, enable us to launch our own tech startups, or lead IT projects with a clear understanding of the entrepreneurial context. The program is quite new, launched in 2022, and it's constantly updated to reflect modern topics and industry trends.

Our Community

One of the best things about studying at HSG is the community. As the BCS program is new and quite unique, we are a small group of students, currently just 30. This has created a friendly and supportive group. We spend a lot of time together, learning from and helping each other. It's also not just about uni; the friendships I've formed here have greatly enriched my university experience.

Direct Contact with the School of Computer Science

Now, being part of a smaller group has other advantages too. We have a direct line to the School of Computer Science (who manage the BCS). If we think something could be improved or changed, we can just tell them. They've organized events like a skiing day for all Computer Science students and company events with industry partners, such as Abacus.

Interactive Learning

Having fewer students also means more direct contact with our professors. The class sizes are small, so the lectures feel more like group discussions than traditional, stuffy lectures. If we're stuck on something, we can just ask.

Our Learning Space

Another highlight of our program is our dedicated learning space. We have our own rooms equipped with height-adjustable tables, PC setups, coffee machines (can't have enough coffee!), comfy sofas, and more. It's our little hub where we meet, learn, and collaborate.

Beyond the Classroom

Since there are fewer CS students compared to economics students, student societies are incredibly welcoming to us. All of them need some form of IT, which presents fantastic opportunities to connect with other students and develop skills in specific fields. Personally, I'm part of the Helvetian Investment Club (HIC), which has allowed me to explore the world of Investment Banking more effectively.


So, that's a little snapshot of my life as a BCS student at HSG. If you're curious to know more, you can email me (mail@leonmuscat.de) or find me on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonmuscat/).