Interesting Reads

Interesting Reads

Week 1: Delving into Web Browsers and Internet Requests [Computer Networks]
This book excerpt offers a detailed explanation of how web browsers handle internet requests. The guide outlines the process of building a fully-functional web browser using just a few thousand lines of Python, covering all aspects from networking to JavaScript.

Week 2: Exploring Algorithm Advancements with AVX-512 [Algorithms and Data Structures]
The ever-evolving world of algorithms presents us with a paper that showcases a notable development. This research introduces the innovative AVX-512 sorting algorithm, which has the potential to enhance sorting performance by up to 17 times.

Week 3: Designing a Simple CPU [Computer Systems]
In the realm of computer systems, understanding low-level CPU operations is crucial. This article delves into the intricacies of crafting a basic CPU and enabling it to print 'Hello World.' The website features additional articles with improvements and expanded functionality for the simple CPU.

Week 4: Mastering the Command Line [Computer Networks / Computer Systems / Other]
Becoming adept at navigating the command line is an invaluable skill. This expertly curated guide offers a thorough introduction to the command line, complete with tips and tricks to help you develop proficiency in its use.

Week 5: A Focus on GPT-4 [Other]
This week has been brimming with remarkable advancements in AI, including GPT-4, MS Office Copilot, Midjourney v5 and Google Workspaces AI. I'd like to bring special attention to GPT-4's technical report. This document provides an in-depth look at the impressive features of GPT-4, showcasing its potential to transform the AI landscape.

Week 6: Rethinking Ad Effectiveness [Marketing]
As we tackle our university marketing project, it's crucial to question the beliefs underpinning advertising effectiveness. Kevin Simler's article challenges the "emotional inception" theory, suggesting ads work through informing, making promises, and honest signalling. This insightful piece can inspire a more nuanced approach to our project's ad strategy.

Week 7: How Do QR Codes Work? [Other]
Break, yay! This week, we're delving into the world of QR codes. If you've ever used a QR code, you've probably wondered how it works, what information it stores, and how it's read. Look no further!

Week 8: Animated Mechanics with Animagraffs [Other]
Dive into the world of 3D animated infographics with Animagraffs. This platform, created by Jake and Wesley O'Neal, provides detailed insights into the inner workings of an extensive range of mechanisms. From the intricate details of a NASCAR Cup Series race car to the complex system of cryptocurrencies, Animagraffs offers an engaging learning experience.

Week 9: Visualizing Pathfinding Algorithms [Algorithms and Data Structures]
We recently touched on graph traversal algorithms in algorithms and data structures. This tool is an interactive online demo to visually illustrate how various pathfinding algorithms work! Try it out and watch as the chosen algorithm finds its way through the maze you create​.

Week 10: Visualizing Data Structures and Algorithms with VisuAlgo [Algorithms and Data Structures]
Dive into the complex world of data structures and algorithms through interactive visualizations with VisuAlgo. Created by Dr. Steven Halim and his students, this tool aids in understanding everything from simple sorting algorithms to complex graph data, all at your own pace.

Week 11: Sharpening Java Skills with LeetCode [Programming Methodology]
LeetCode offers a platform to enhance your programming skills, especially in Java. The problems range from easy to hard, and many come with solutions and discussions. It is a great way to prepare for the exam.

Week 12: The Art of Perfect Pizza [Other]
So, lectures are over for this semester! As we transition into the self-learning phase, why not explore a different realm: the art of pizza-making? Jeff Varasano's comprehensive guide provides an authentic New York-style pizza recipe, perfected over six years. Learn about the critical role of crust, kneading technique, high heat, and yeast culture in crafting the ideal pizza.